What's New?

What an amazing year 2016 turned out to be! Our Lifestylist Brands had the opportunity to do so many new things, travel to places we have never been before, and work with companies that we've had a lifetime appreciation for. It's been hard to keep up with sharing these adventures as we are enjoying them, and we made a conscious effort this year to slow down and live in the moment instead of spending all of our time behind the lens trying to capture these special times to share later. Somehow we still ended up with thousands and thousand of images and experiences to share, so our resolution for this year is to try and be better about short posts with captivating images.

Social Media has become a wonderful tool for us, and if you want to see what we are up to "in the moment" be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In this time challenged world, that seems to be the best fit for us.

So what will 2017 hold? We have been on the road coast to coast already this year trend tracking, working with new clients, and doing what's the most important to us - spending more time with family. We are off to a great start - we hope that you will continue to join us on our Lifestylist journey.

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