We all make New Years resolutions that we may or may not keep, but this year I'm making one I'm going to work on every day: finding joy. I have so many blessings, and it's important to remember that. This year I'm determined to enjoy each and every minute I get to spend with my kids and grandchildren, enjoy the journeys I get to take whether that's to the local Mexican supermarket or to another country, and to slow down and enjoy my gardens, a spectacular sunset and my family.
I'm also going to make a commitment to help stop suffering and have compassion for all living beings - animals and people alike. We have rescued quite a few animals on our own, and the love they share with me every day makes it all worthwhile.This year I'm going to extend that effort and try to do more.
I also am so lucky to be able to love what I do and be able to make a living doing it. Helping as many people have a safe roof over their heads and a clean bed to sleep in is a purpose that I'll continue to work on. Every day I go past my neighbors new house and know that I helped get them a safe roof over their heads makes it easier for me to sleep as well.
Having a fantastic and successful New Year isn't just about making more money or being more successful, for me it's about finding joy, and appreciating it when I find it.
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